I took the train into NY on Thursday afternoon after the work meeting was finished. Arriving at the hostel after my first subway experience (not too bad just not as easy to navigate as the London tube), I was confronted by a sign on the door saying the building had been vacated because.. and I quote.. "conditions in this premises are imminently perilous to life". I started panicking because I had no idea how I would find another hostel at such short notice but the guy behind the desk came running out in order to clarify that only 'some' of the rooms had been vacated.. oh well I guess if that's the case we're fine... right? Actually it turned out great. My room was the only one on the floor that was open so it was nice and quiet and we had two bathrooms for just 6 of us. The room had it's own lockers, the bathroom was spotless and it turned out the closure to half the hostel was due to a lack of fire escapes, so with less people there wasn't anything to worry about.

Went for a walk in the afternoon and strolled through Washington Square Park near my hostel in the East Village. Most of it was sadly under construction but the little part that was open was filled with locals enjoying the sun and a couple of really good guitar players. The weather in NY was incredible, I enjoyed three beautiful sunny days, so it was lovely relaxing in the park in the sun.

Made my way up to Times Square and Broadway. Times Square was insane, there were lights and signs and people everywhere. It was just a Thursday and I couldn't believe the amount of people around. To be totally honest it was quite overwhelming and not the sort of place I could handle for long. There were broadway show advertisements everywhere so I decided to head to the ticket discount stand to see what I could get and I ended up picking a show called Avenue Q. I had to no idea what to expect, it was a musical with puppets but I was pleasantly surprised. It was hilarious! The show was about a group of humans and puppets living in Q Ave in New York (East Village so not too far from where I was staying). It was very politically incorrect and included a puppet called Lucy the Slut, a monster obsessed with Internet porn and a gay puppet not yet out of the closet and in love with his flatmate. The songs were great to including 'If you were gay', 'Everyone's a little bit racist' and 'The internet is for porn'. If you're easily offended then this musical isn't for you but I laughed the whole way through.

When I came out of the show I noticed a whole heap of cop cars with their sirens going lining the streets and I was trying to work out what was going on. Walking past all the cops were freaky because they were all decked out with big guns and everything. I also spotted a few fire engines so I started to worry but then I noticed the firemen had a huge group of people around them and I realised they were allowing people to come have photos with them. And once I spotted the kids on the truck having a great time I realised there couldn't be too big an emergency going on if the firemen had time to take photos with the crowd :)
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