We decided on an England day trip weekend and Saturday (1st - I'm behind in posts again!) we had picked Rye, a tiny little English medieval town on the Southern coast. Rye is famous for its picturesque cobble streets and quaint houses. Unfortunately the weather wasn't cooperating and it pissed with rain and was freezing! Silly me managed to forget my umbrella so I got absolutely soaked.

We wondered the streets of Rye (which didn't take too long, it's a really small place!) and checked out the old church with its clock tower. The clock pendulum hung inside the church and created an eerie tick tock.
We visited the tiny prison castle museum where we sat in the prison cells, tried on medieval helmets, got very confused why there were fake wooden sheep on the top floor and had a big old chat to the museum guy.

The most famous street in Rye is called Mermaid Street and is full of cute English houses along a small cobble lane with pretty vine covered facades and a couple of old fashioned pubs.
By mid afternoon we were drenched, cold and hungry (well I was, Nick seemed immune) so we took shelter in a local pub and enjoyed some much needed warmth and wine. We found a great possie on a window bay bench and spent quite awhile thawing out and watching the rain outside. A pretty little English town to spend a day.
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